Photography and Knits by Elise Sophie

norwegian flowers, books in a stack on the bedside table, cups of tea, films with lots of swearing, pincushions shaped as mushrooms, cats with big hearts, friends with many names and flavours, music with a lot of dimensions, knitting needles that mysteriously disappear, and yarn. lots of yarn.

lørdag 15. februar 2014

little hello

Sorry for that very long and sad blogging hiatus - I'm back!
In between writing on my final year dissertation, stressing about other essays that needs to get started (and eventually done) I've tried to find time for some knitting. I've been struggling with an inflammation in my right arm, probably tennis elbow (?), for a while, and I think, somehow, I keep making it worse by worrying too much about it. Yes, I've realised it's probably turned into a sort of psychosomatic thing by now, so I'm trying to not worry so much about my arms and just knit a little bit here and there. It has been working really well for me, and I've started knitting a pair of fair isle mittens with left over Shetland yarns that were lying around in my room:

 photo IMG_9952_zpsc509a909.jpg

I've actually nearly finished the first mitten already, this is a photo from earlier in the week. I really love playing around with my colours. And also, look! It's light! Thank you for that, early spring.
I hope to be able to blog a bit more, I even charged my SLR (!) so I can easily take photos of projects, and it's all a lot more motivating when the light is coming back, don't you think?

What are you working on? I'd love to see, so please leave a link for me to check out!

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The least strained and most natural ways of the soul are the most beautiful; the best occupations are the least forced.
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What's on my bedsidetable right now:

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All the pictures on this blog are © Elise Albrektsen, unless otherwise noted, and should not be used without my permission. Send questions, thoughts and other messages to elise_albrektsen (at) hotmail (dot) com.
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