After much toing and froing on this blog, I've decided to let my shoulders down when it comes to the content I post in here. I hesitate to share anything in here these days, simply because I don't have any finished projects or any exciting photos to show you. I'd like this to be a space for me to share my finished knitting projects, but I'd also like it to be a space for the random everyday bits that I so enjoy in my life.
So without much further ado, here's some randomness:
- since the last time we spoke, I seen a bouquet of tulips bloom
and wilt
- I've decided (after much deliberation, mind you) to upgrade my phone, and the result will probably (it already has!) be visible here on the blog, in the form of pictures I take
- I've tried to calm down about the future a bit more, sometimes with success, sometimes not so much, but I think I'm getting there
- I've finished a pair of socks for my dad, and it was one of the most satisfying knits I've done to this day, because they were so thankfully recieved and they have been so gently taken care of since he got them
- I've been burning candles and enjoying all the lovely green plants that I keep in my house - they make me so happy!
So, I survived after uploading grainy mobile phone photos, and I have to admit it made me want to do it more!
If you read all the way to these last lines, it would make me so happy if you would let me know what you think about these little changes I've made.
Have a happy weekend,
1 kommentarer:
jeg liker det! I kno det kanskje er litt kjedelig at det er storesøstera som legger inn første kommentaren, men jeg gjør det allikevel! Det er fint å ha et sted å poste ting som er viktig og "mindre viktig" <3
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