Photography and Knits by Elise Sophie

norwegian flowers, books in a stack on the bedside table, cups of tea, films with lots of swearing, pincushions shaped as mushrooms, cats with big hearts, friends with many names and flavours, music with a lot of dimensions, knitting needles that mysteriously disappear, and yarn. lots of yarn.

lørdag 20. september 2014

settling in

The long hiatus has been due to me and my boyfriend moving house and settling into a new life, in a new city, in a new country! (At least for the former...)

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There hasn't been a lot of time for knitting in the last month, but I've managed to knit a few washcloths for that instant gratification feeling you're probably familiar with. Just this week, however, we bought a sofa (!) so now I can sit in a comfortable spot and do some serious knitting, if I choose to. I started my second Cricket this week as a result, and I'm in love with the Cascade 220 in this colour! Wish I could get some for myself, too...
This little cardigan will warm our little nephew around Christmas time, if all goes according to plan.

I will try to post more consistently, but it can get quite hectic with my new job and the hunt for furniture for our flat. Will keep you posted on that, and perhaps share a few pictures of how the decorating is going? Tell me what you think!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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All the pictures on this blog are © Elise Albrektsen, unless otherwise noted, and should not be used without my permission. Send questions, thoughts and other messages to elise_albrektsen (at) hotmail (dot) com.
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