Photography and Knits by Elise Sophie

norwegian flowers, books in a stack on the bedside table, cups of tea, films with lots of swearing, pincushions shaped as mushrooms, cats with big hearts, friends with many names and flavours, music with a lot of dimensions, knitting needles that mysteriously disappear, and yarn. lots of yarn.

søndag 27. september 2009


Av og til når man sitter i et rom sammen med venner, og kanskje man sitter med hver sin pc, eller en bok eller noe slikt, så kommer man med kommentarer til det man ser på, eller gjør. For eksempel nå nettopp hørte jeg på en sang fra soundtracket til filmen "Donnie Darko", og så sa jeg: "Å, jeg har så lyst til å se Donnie Darko!" Også så jeg opp fra pc-skjermen min, for å se på Katarina som sitter med sin pc rett foran meg. Men hun hadde tatt på seg headset og hørte ikke det jeg sa. Den følelsen man får da, er så rar. Hvis man snakker med seg selv, ville man ikke ha snakket med så klar og tydelig stemme, og om man gjør det, og oppdager at man faktisk er alene, så føler jeg meg rett og slett litt perpleks. Merkelig er det.

Her er forresten noen bilder av Henriette med skjørtet som jeg har laget, hun passet det veldig bra!

You know the feeling you get if you are talking to someone who has either gone out of the room without you noticing or is listening to something else or doing something else so that he or she isn't attentive? A few moments ago I said to my friend Katarina: "I want to watch "Donnie Darko"!" Because I was listening to the soundtrack from the movie. But she had put on her headset and wasn't paying attention to what I said. If you talk to yourself you normally don't use a high and clear voice, like the one you would use if talking to another person, so when I catch myself talking to someone that isn't paying attention, I feel rather perplex. This post is really awkward, hope you understand.

The pictures above are Henriette wearing the skirt that I made for the assignment at school, it fits her almost as well as it fits me!

1 kommentarer:

herecomesthesun september 30, 2009  

cute pictures! i love your header by the way :)

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The least strained and most natural ways of the soul are the most beautiful; the best occupations are the least forced.
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All the pictures on this blog are © Elise Albrektsen, unless otherwise noted, and should not be used without my permission. Send questions, thoughts and other messages to elise_albrektsen (at) hotmail (dot) com.
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